Take back control of your life. Our evidence-based therapy approaches are tailored to your individual needs, helping you to develop effective coping strategies and achieve long-lasting results.
When anxiety and stress steal the enjoyment out of your life
Once upon a time, anxiety could be claimed as the most effective survival instinct, always kicking in at the right time when a physical threat approached you in the jungle. In today’s hectic world, with fast pace living and bills to be paid, this clever fight or flight response can activate when there is no life-threatening danger present. Rather than enjoying one’s life, anxiety sufferers feel like they are stuck in an endless loop, where life becomes a never-ending long-distance endurance run, that can’t be won.
Strategic psychotherapy combined with clinical hypnotherapy is an effective way to overcome and break the anxiety stress cycle
Those experiencing anxiety and stress disorders will feel anxious often and may or may not know why. The anxiety becomes part of everyday life, worrying about family, health, and money. Those diagnosed with an anxiety disorder worry excessively about everyday problems. It is a difficult disorder to live with as it can feel as if there is no relief from the anxiety symptoms.
Ultimately, it is ‘the fear of the unknown’ and intense worries about what might happen (the imagined future). When you are excessively worrying about the future, you are reacting to your own fabricated imaginings. You catastrophise to the point of believing in it. The process becomes a habitual unconscious one, where you may be consciously aware that there’s little to worry about yet knowing that doesn’t help with alleviating the anxiety. The anxiety process you run is largely an unconscious one, which is why our clinic uses hypnotherapy as the most effective treatment for needed relief and recovery.
Did you know?
People are more prone to anxiety, stress, and depression if they tend to express behavioural characteristics such as perfectionism, a high need for control, feel overly responsible for others, find it difficult to say no, and have a strong self-critical internal dialogue that is often hard to shut-off.
The good news is that anxiety disorder behaviours are learned processes that can be changed quite quickly with the right treatment.
Other conditions experienced with anxiety and stress
Being in a constant state of stress or anxiety often leads to an array of serious health issues like digestive issues, skin conditions, sleep disturbances, and other life-threatening conditions. Anxiety if left untreated, can also lead to other unwanted behaviours such as excessive drinking, smoking or other counterproductive coping mechanisms that can have serious consequences for your health, your quality of life, and relationships.
Why it's important to treat anxiety
Research has shown that sustained periods of anxiety, if left untreated, can morph into depression. If you have been battling anxiety for over five years, then you are a strong candidate for clinical depression. It is extremely important that you equip yourself with the tools needed to tackle this problem direct. Avoiding it means you risk significant additional consequences down the track.
Isn’t it good to know that our form of therapy is solution orientated and provides a natural form of relief. Our treatment includes developing patient skills to break anxiety and stress symptoms.
We aim for minimal four sessions when it comes to the treatment of anxiety and stress disorders.