Find relief from the grips of OCD with our evidence-based therapy approaches and compassionate support from our experienced therapists. Take the first step towards managing your symptoms and reclaiming your life.
Are your obsessions and compulsions stealing your life?
Strategic Psychotherapy utilising Clinical Hypnotherapy can effectively treat Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Treatment is solution-oriented and includes developing patient skills to control OCD thoughts and behaviours and managing anxiety stress levels to alleviate the condition.
OCD is a process you run, it is not you!
OCD is fuelled by fear. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for taking the fear out of your OCD and replacing it with a calm and relaxed response to any OCD thoughts, feeling and compulsive behaviours. This type of treatment renders the OCD powerless and the compulsive obsessions evaporate pretty quickly.
Your condition does not need to be a lifelong disorder. If you’re struggling with obsessive-compulsive behaviour then strategic psychotherapy and hypnosis can be one of the most effective tools you are ever likely to come across.
So… what is OCD exactly?
OCD is compulsive behaviour where you are driven repeatedly to perform. These behaviours are well intentioned, meant to reduce the anxiety relating to your obsession, however these acts only serve as a temporary measure and bring no pleasure or relief from the anxiety itself. Approximately 3% of Australians experience OCD in their lifetime and the condition can usually begin in the teen or young adult years, however it can start in childhood.
OCD is generally considered a lifelong disorder, where symptoms can vary from mild to symptoms so severe and time-consuming that it becomes debilitating. But this is where we tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way.
What does our OCD treatment plan look like?
OCDs are an anxiety-based condition. Any treatment plan that we would offer would include managing the anxiety first (see Anxiety and Stress), then we would deal with the specific OCD behaviour. This way we effectively remove the fuel from fire, then go after the specific area of concern using hypnotherapy techniques.
The good news is that no matter how long you have had the issue, we can address it with six sessions.