Our dedicated therapists specialise in evidence-based therapies to help you process and heal from past traumas, such as PTSD. With a compassionate and supportive approach, we will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that fits your unique needs.
Stop living the nightmare….. let us show you how.
PTSD if left untreated can often develop into anxiety, depression, insomnia, alcohol and drug dependence. Some people tend to operate emotionally numb and detached from the world and find it impossible to develop relationships and a healthy social life. This is where we can help.
The first step in seeking successful treatment is understanding why PTSD occurs in 25% of individuals that experience a similar traumatic event, while the remaining 75% are able to move on, allowing the experience to fade with time.
Let’s take a closer look at why.
When talking makes things worse – Did you know?
A long-established approach (and a very outdated one) to treating PTSD is to allow people to re-experience the event by either talking it through, or more cruelly being hypnotically encouraged to relive it as it happened. This common treatment often results in worsening the condition by reactivating the trauma, trapping the sensory impressions, and imbedding them deeper in the part of the brain known as the amygdala (responsible for fight or flight reactions).
If getting people to relive their trauma is a common treatment in therapy, why isn’t this approach working?
Let's look at the facts… the scientific ones. It all points to how your memories are made in the brain. Let me explain.
New memories are a series of impressions resting in the brain, that are coherently organised in the hippocampus (narrative memory), and finally stored in the neocortex in ‘long term memory’. The memory process allows you to remember an event so that you can talk about it, feel and know its past and it normally fades with time.
For people suffering from PTSD the memory process is blocked, and the traumatic memory is unable to be processed in long-term memory. Sufferers can be triggered by these intense fight or flight responses at any point in time, and not only experience their worst memories ‘live’, but they can also often experience frequent flash-backs, helplessness, terror and high levels of panic.
Why does the ‘narrative memory’ get blocked in PTSD sufferers?
In a traumatic event, a person’s emotional response can be so extreme that the memory becomes encoded in the amygdala, the ‘fight or flight’ part of the brain. The memorised experience bypasses the hippocampus (narrative memory), and instead stays trapped in the amygdala as a survival mechanism, ready to reactivate if a similar future emergency should arise again.
So how can Modern PHS help?
First of all, we do not require you to talk through or re-live your trauma for you to fully recover.
To effectively treat your PTSD, treatment must be able to elicit dissociation and sufficient calm in the sufferer to allow the painful memory to be reprocessed safely (from the amygdala to the hippocampus) where it can be stored alongside other faded memories.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) alongside hypnotherapy is exceptionally effective at treating PTSD as it targets the individuals PTS response/s directly for almost instant relief. I can guarantee it.
In addition, we will teach you skills on how to cope with stress and better manage your life. These are the life skills that will help you build a future worth looking forward to.
Rest assured that you can finally put the past behind you (we mean that literally, in the hippocampus – where it belongs)