Overcome your phobias and reclaim your life. Our tailored therapy sessions are designed to provide effective relief from your fears, helping you develop the skills to live life on your terms.
Is your phobia taking over your life?
Strategic Psychotherapy, utilising Clinical Hypnosis is a very effective way to overcome your fears, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Are there places that you avoid going to like dentists, hospitals, heights, lifts, open or enclosed spaces?
Very common phobias include fear of spiders, snakes, dogs, rats and even insects.
Other common phobias include fear of flying, having injections or being in stormy weather.
Modern PHS provides a form of hypnotherapy that is evidence-based, solution orientated, natural form of relief and we aim for a minimal four sessions when it comes to the treatment of fear-based conditions.
What is a phobia?
Approximately 11% of the population in Australia experience mild to complex phobias. Among the common phobias are fears related to flying (pteromerhanophobia), dogs (cynophobia), spiders (arachnophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), thunder (astraphobia), heights or vertigo (acrophobia), medical procedures (tomophobia), and specific social situations such as public speaking or intimacy.
Phobias clinically differ from regular fears or anxieties in that individuals react to a particular object or situation in a manner significantly disproportionate to a typical human response. These anxiety-based disorders can be triggered by internal or external stimuli. The triggers may vary and can include humans, animals, the environment, or social situations.
When confronted with the trigger, sufferers often experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, increased heart rate, sweating, and abdominal pain.
Generally, suffers do their best to avoid phobia triggers and social withdrawal are common, leading to a significant decline in the individual's overall quality of life.
What does a treatment plan look like?
We know from experience, that phobia sufferers do tend to over worry about everyday problems. Our clinic will treat the underlying generalised anxiety, then through a series of soothing hypnotherapy sessions, we target the fear in a safe comfortable and relaxed environment.
The good news is that phobias are learned behavioural patterns that can be changed quite quickly with the right treatment. No matter how long you have had the issue, we can address it with a minimal of four sessions.