Take charge of your life with our proven therapies. Our compassionate therapists will work with you to develop customised treatment plans, providing the tools and strategies to manage your impulses effectively.
And yes, there is a treatment that works!
There are plenty of approaches that will tell you that it takes 30 days or more to break a habit. However, that research is based on people trying to use willpower and logic to break the habit.
Impulsive control behaviour is largely an unconscious behaviour which can be quite difficult to change through conscious 30 day or more processes alone. This is where Clinical Hypnotherapy excels. If impulse control is really interfering with your life and you are sick of feeling like you don’t have any control of it, then it is time to act.
We treat your condition using strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis for the purpose of reducing the effects of its triggers.
Most unwanted behaviours are perpetuated at the subconscious level, but that doesn’t usually stop you doing it. That is because we spend a good deal of our time in our own thoughts, which is effectively a trance state, and often it isn’t until we pay conscious attention to the problem that we recognise it as an issue.
Impulse control behaviours form part of a coping mechanism, a way of relieving anxiety. Others are just purely habituated behaviours that do not necessarily have any particular emotional underpinning.
How will the therapy treatment work?
Your condition does not need to be a lifelong disorder. If you’re struggling with impulse control then strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis can be one of the most effective tools you are ever likely to come across.
Any treatment plan that we would offer would include managing the anxiety first, then we would deal with the specific ICD behaviour. This way we effectively remove the fuel from fire, then go after the specific area of concern using hypnotherapy techniques.
This is a tried, tested and proven method of dealing with impulse control conditions naturally. The good news is that no matter how long you have had the issue, we can address with six sessions.